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Summary of The Birthmark

A devoted scientist, Aylmer, takes a break from his laboratory pursuits to marry a beautiful woman, Georgiana. In his entire life, Aylmer had tested natural phenomenon by figuring out the way nature works at the expense of his social and personal life. His marriage did not last before he became obsessed with a physical flaw, birthmark, on the face of Georgiana. Whereas his spirit was not satisfied with the Georgiana’s birthmark, many men had risked their lives in attempt to kiss the mark on Georgiana’s cheek.

One night he dreamed about the way he could remove the birthmark on Georgiana’s face. He observed in the dream that the birthmark sank deep into the heart of Georgiana and removing it would be dangerous. Despite this warning, Aylmer decided to share the dream with Georgiana. The conversation about the dream creates a wound in Georgiana’s heart. She asks Aylmer to use his science to get rid of the birthmark if that would help in creating comfort in their marriage.

Aylmer works on a plan on how to remove the birthmark from the face of his wife. He invites Georgiana into his laboratory where she met Aminadab. Aminadab hears of the plan to remove the birthmark and remarks that he would not attempt the same if Georgiana were his wife. Despite his remarks, he helps his master to prepare for the experiment. Aylmer’s conversation with Georgiana end suddenly when she faints. When she regained consciousness, she found herself breathing an air of penetrating fragrance.

Georgiana questions her husband about the place and the validity of his science. In response, Aylmer reassured her about his abilities. He demonstrates some scientific sceneries and figures that he has handled using his experimental science. This convinced Georgiana that her husband could actually prove his words. At the meantime, the preparation of the experiment was underway and Aylmer did not take keen interest on the negative outcome or the warning from the dream. The unannounced entry of Georgiana into the preparation laboratory disturbs Aylmer, but Georgiana assures him that she would drink anything he asks her to do.

Georgiana drank the chemical prepared by her husband then slept. A moment later, Aylmer observes the birthmark disappear and marvels for his great work, but this does not last. Georgiana wakes and reminds him that she is dying. Indeed, he had rejected nature’s creation, but failed in his attempt to make it perfect.

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