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3 top ways to write a good draft for your essay

Creating a good draft is an important part of the essay writing process. The fact is that every great essay should begin with a draft, or few. Essentially your completed draft will serve as a “rough copy” of your completed paper; once you have this finished you’ll need to edit and modify grammar and spelling mistakes. Yet knowing what elements to put in it may turn into another challenge. To help you with this process we have compiled the 3 top ways to write a good draft for your essay.

Don’t spend too much time on your introduction the first time around

When you are completing the first draft try not to spend a great deal of time with the introduction. If it seems you can’t get the thesis sentence or the flow correct – leave it as is and move on. When the paper is going through the revision phase you may find it easier to get your introduction to sound correct. This is most likely because you know how the rest of the paper reads, which makes it easier to summarize and “introduce”.

Remember that it’s only a draft

The second important bit of information is to keep in mind that it’s only a draft. This means that if you are writing at a good pace try not to focus on punctuation or word usage, as you’ll have plenty of time to fix mistakes later. The important thing is that you actually get your thoughts down on paper without letting them slip away from you.

Save plenty of time for revisions

The third and potentially most important piece of advice is to allow yourself plenty of time for revisions. The last thing you should do is wait until the last minute to begin on your first draft. Doing so may not only hurt your grade but it can also put you under an immense amount of stress. Yet the most important reason to allow time for revisions is so that you can turn in an essay that is well-written and free of grammar and spelling mistakes.

In the end, essay writing is an important concept in college. Therefore, you’ll want to make sure this is a skill you have practiced and know how to use because there’s no way around it. Professors expect you to know how to write a good essay by the time you reach college, so learning how to create a good draft is the first step to master.

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